Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Why New Zealand is better.....

There's many things I like to deride New Zealand about, and much of it is valid. However, in its treatment and respect of foreigners and immigrants, New Zealand, while there's much to improve, is SO far ahead of European countries and most other nations that I imagine this post will surprise my international friends. In my experience in The Netherlands and in Denmark, all letters and correspondence from officials and ministries sent out to me was all in either Dutch or Danish (respectively). Of course, the oft trolled out excuse was, 'well we are in Holland/Danmark'.
I have just received my election enrolment pack, where I get my election card to take with me to the polling booth on saturday to vote in the NZ general election. In the pack is an explanation of voting procedures and locations. These are translated into the following languages - English, Maori, Cook Island Maori, Samoan, Tongan, Korean, Chinese traditional, Chinese simplified, Tokelau, Somali, Farsi, Arabic, Vietnamese, Thai, Gujarati, Hindi, Japanese, Khmer, Punjabi and Niuean.
...as standard. You might think NZ has an abundance of multilingual persons. No. Some of these immigrants only number in the thousands. I look forward to the time when other countries let go of their blind and deaf nationalism and do the logical and intelligent thing.